It's a new day! I love America! Change is a-comin'...
Sorry for not being more regular now that I'm inside more...I've been working on some wedding invitation samples for a potential customer. Plus, this being my favorite time of year (the Autumn equinox, Halloween, my DH's and youngest DS's birthdays, our "adoption day" celebration) I've been a bit busy!
Here are some recent photos just to let friends and family know were are still here and kickin!

Above pictures from a recent camping trip in PA (Allegheny National Forest)

Raking leaves in the backyard (in our Crocs boots!).

Our four pumpkins in the front yard.

My two trick-or-treaters all dressed up!

Dr. Frankenstein's Monster. (I'm not the best at face make-up and really had no idea how to give him the bone structure he needed...)

My little Garden Gnome.

My two carved pumpkins (which, for the first time since we moved here 5 years ago, DIDN'T get smashed by pranksters!)