Congratulations Jen, send me your mailing address and your package will be on it's way tomorrow morning!
There has to be something wonderful about Monday's, right? So here it is! Blog Candy!
I am offering up to one lucky reader a multitude of goodies. An alterable "band-aid" type tin, three wood mounted rubber stamps, a brand new mica magic ink pad in purple, two lenghts of purple ric-rac, one large size in soft chenille lavender and one small size in royal purple, and a handful of purple prima flowers. Does anyone else detect a color theme here? *grin*
Here's what you have to do to get your name in the drawing:
1. Subscribe to this blog. Just enter your email address in the little area to the right and hit subscribe. You'll receive an email each time I update and won't have to visit constantly to see! (If you are already subscribed, skip this).
2. Leave a message on this post telling me ONE crazy fact about yourself!
3. Tell your friends about the giveaway and have them leave a comment here too. For each friend who mentions your name, you'll receive an extra entry in the giveaway!
Giveaway ends Friday at 9AM EST. I will draw a winner from the list of names and hopefully that person will know by Friday evening and I can mail their package out on Saturday!