I was bound and determined to get to
Julee's Mojo Monday on MONDAY this week (not Saturday), so last night I got to work! Like her, I have a bin full of "almost cards." Images that I've colored, cut-out words, sticker embellishments stuck to CS and matted, etc.
I had made myself a note previously about some color challenges I wanted to try from
SCS, so I started with one of those and went from there. Digging through the bin of images, I found this flower and leaf mounted on a white circle.
I stamped this image last year sometime, right after I bought it from my friend Barb. I remember sponging ink onto white CS and then stamping the flower on top. I wanted there to be more highlights, so I tossed it into the "later" bin. The reason I never used it was because I didn't have CS to match the magenta color. Well, not quite true, I'm sure in my hundreds of Bazzill papers, I could have found one close, but I'm sort of a perfectionist (surprise! Who knew? *wink*). Well it was PERFECT for last night because I was using one of the new "in colors" from SU, Purely Pomegranate.
Things were just coming to me left and right and everything was coming together so well. This is what I ended up with. I was pleased, but it looked too froofy. Is that a word? Ok, it looked too fussy. I wanted to get rid of something and I didn't know what.

But then, I had another "light-bulb" moment and tore it all apart and re-assembled it without the pink/pomegranate BG piece. I did add a pink mat behind the green/grey to set it off from the card base, and I did change the ribbon, but otherwise it's the same!

Whatdaya think? I like the second one a bit better. More calm.
Anyway, if you've actually read this far you deserve a medal! I CAN ramble on can't I? *grin*